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Monday, 10 November 2014

We are not afraid of the wolf and the owl. Blue Screen of Death, who he is and HOW TO WIN!

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We are not afraid of the wolf and the owl. Blue Screen of Death, who he is and HOW TO WIN!

Blue screen of death every heard, but are you ready to fight him. Was it you? Let's look at this topic and talk that it is taken from and how to fight. And so we go.

The first thing I want to apologize for such a long break in the publication ... The thing is that I was walking. ... In the truest sense of the word ... I was on the beach in Sevastopol. So strongly do not scold. Friends, I started recording the course "Download from internet everything." So subscribe to the update, the right side of the site (form).
Well friends back to the blue screen of death !! So why do it vilaziet, gives us to live? The thing is that just because he does not get out, see below.
blue screen of death.
Causes of death of the screen:
Conflict of computer devices, such as the installation of new equipment, possible to add RAM.
Not serviceable device, again can be any device, but most often it is the Planck RAM and hard drive
The computer is overheating
But there are other reasons that are more experienced users, and maybe for programmers. Well friends, to each his own, not everyone be it ... But I still tell what could be. This may not be the correct operation of the service windows, crooked installed drivers, virus.
If it is good to get into all that, then we can say that the blue screen of death is not so deadly. =)
Of course, friends, blue screen of death is classified by error code, for example the application fails one error, the hardware is different.
To understand what has happened to your computer and how it happened, I give below error codes blue screen of death.
Oh yes, my friends, there is not only a blue screen of death, and even black when the system boots and more, so subscribe to blog updates, and get all the answers to this question !!!
Error Codes blue screen of death
KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED associated with attempts to perform an unknown or invalid processor instruction process kernel mode. This error may be due to incompatibility or equipment malfunctions, errors in system service or driver.
DATA_BUS_ERROR - detection of a parity error in the memory. This error can occur when incorrect operation or improper configuration of the driver, the disk failures or problems with the equipment (incompatibility or defects).
NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM. This error is associated with the file system, it arises as a result of a failure in the performance of the file system driver code ntfs.sys. Usually the problem is the presence of bad clusters or other violations of the integrity of the data on disk or in memory, or corrupted drivers SCSI or IDE.
UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP. This means that there was a trap (trap), which is not supported by the kernel, or a fatal error (the most common example of such a fatal error - division by zero). Most often this error is to blame the failure of software or equipment failure.
KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR. The occurrence of this error blue screen of death indicates that the requested page of data is impossible to read in the physical memory. The problem usually lies in the presence of a virus, defect or failures of memory or disk controller, defective sectors virtual memory file.
KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR. This error indicates that the requested page of memory can not be read into physical memory from the paging file. The reason may be the failure of the hard disk controller or incorrect connection of the hard drive, the defect sector paging file, the lack of available disk space, memory defect, a virus in the system or interrupt conflict.
PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA - in memory of the requested data is not available. This may occur, for example, when the system can not find the required data in the paging file. Guilty of this error is most often hardware failures (defects of memory) error antivirus or system service, problems with the file system.
INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE. This error BSoD occurs during the startup of the operating system, when there is no access to the system partition. List the reasons for this error is quite large, we list the most likely of them:
boot virus;
error in the file boot.ini;
discrepancy driver HDD controller hardware or its absence;
error in the file system (in particular, in the partition table);
faulty disk controller, or a boot disk;
incompatibility of equipment;
resource allocation conflict between the hard disk controller and other equipment;
installation of the system in the partition that is outside the first 1024 cylinders of the hard drive;
corrupted registry data about loads the driver;
mode DMA, is included in the BIOS;
Damaged or missing file needed to load the operating system (for example, NTLDR);
regime change drive letter (DRIVE SWAPPING), included in the CMOS Setup.
STATUS_SYSTEM_PROCESS_TERMINATED. This error code blue screen of death indicates a fault in the service that runs in the user's cause. The reasons for this failure - incorrect operation of third-party system services, drivers or applications.
STATUS_IMAGE_CHECKSUM_ MISMATCH. This message indicates damage or loss of the file system library or driver. It may be due to accidental deletion or failure of the system file in the file system.
MISMATCHED_HAL. HAL - this level of hardware abstraction. This error occurs when the core of the system and it does not match the type of your computer. Most often this discrepancy occurs when you install a second processor in a uniprocessor system, if the user does not update manually ntoskrnl and HAL. Also, this error causes a mismatch versions ntoskrnl. exe and hal.dll.
IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. This error occurs when a kernel mode process attempts to access memory and thus uses an unacceptably high level interrupt request (IRQL). This failure causes an error in the BIOS, system services, drivers or software incompatibility, service or driver.
Of course the best is if you now remember all these errors. And will not panic when a blue screen of death. I did so, I printed these errors on the printer, and hung a sheet in front of you, it is very comfortable !! Moreover places this leaflet does not take a lot and are very comfortable. Hanging dosih.
Well friends, we know how they appear, these lethal screens, we know the error of their appearance at what the error code.
It's time to talk about how to resolve these errors. Let's start !!!

Troubleshooting blue screen of death.

First of all, do not panic !!! First, you could cause a blue screen of death, it is commonplace installed the software or new hardware. Perhaps just installed some new drivers or -That update them. If before restarting the computer, which was carried out - that manipulation, return everything back (roll back). In this article we saw how to do it with the help of the program, almost at the end of the video.
Now consider the more popular causes and solutions. That can save your computer from malicious screen of death.

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